Gary Conrad

Comedy hypnotist Gary Conrad has performed in 49 states and 9 other countries for the last 25 years and is interested in working your venue whether its a corporate, college, military or club setting!

Comedian Gary Conrad

Nationally, Gary was last seen on ABC-TV's "THE VIEW", and has been on air with Danny Bonaduce; FOX-TV's Mancow Muller; Opie & Anthony; Crook & Chase; Don & Mike; Dr. Dre & Ed Lover; Rick & Bubba; Big D and Bubba and many more TV and radio stations. He has also shared the stage with Tony Bennett, Cher, Barbara Walters, Lenny Kravitz, Ron White, Bill Engvall, and even the late, great, Tiny Tim!

Once the volunteers take their places on stage, they quickly enter the hypnotic state and then begin to entertain while engaged in the many skits that Gary has developed over the years. Lots of costumes, props, and music!